A bit about me...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun Stuff! Games & Activities

PE Should Be FUN!!!

Locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, rhythmic, manipulative, and educational activities should all be included in a well rounded physical education program.

Children can have fun while learning the skills needed to participate in every activity.

Locomotor Movement Activities: Freeze Tag, Red Rover, Ships and Sailors
Non-Locomotor Activities: Simon Says, Mime games, Drill Sergeant
Rhythmic Activities: Dance, Maypole, Ribbons
Manipulative Activities: Dodgeball, Jump Rope, Hula Hoop games
Educational Activities: State Shape, Body Spelling, Joint Point

*Most activities can be adjusted for different age levels. (For example, in dodgeball younger children can use soft nerf balls while the older children can use playground balls)


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